New Things

Some may say that a blog that has only two (now three) posts before being retired is a failure.

I don’t agree because this blog was very influential for me. It helped me face my fear and it helped me start the process of sharing my writing with others.

Now, I have a better vision of where I would like to go with this whole blogging thing. If you care to follow along, check out my new site at


Beauty in the Struggle





Sometimes I have days when I have to remind myself to breathe. Days when I have to remind my anxious heart that it’s okay to loosen my grasp. Days when I cling to the reality that joy is a choice.

There is this constant battle in my spirit between knowing what’s true and giving in to lies. I know that life’s circumstance shouldn’t define my attitude. But sometimes…sometimes I just want to give in to the sadness and let my emotions run wild and free. The truth is that God is good no matter what I feel and that through Jesus I have hope. The lie is that I don’t have the strength to be steadfast in heart and that I should just give in to depression.

I see beauty in this struggle. It is beautiful because God is faithful to His children no matter what happens. It is beautiful because I’m in the midst of a situation where I have to cling to Jesus.

“Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” –Psalm 30:5b (ESV)

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You are my sweet daughter

The words were whispered to me

In Me is where you find your true identity

My Father knew this is what I was struggling to see


You are my sweet daughter

Stubbornly, I asked Him why

Time and time again I would cry

God, who am I


You are my sweet daughter

The words began to sink in

My identity is not in my family, not in my sin

It is found in Him


You are my sweet daughter

Yes, that is me

I am who my Father wants me to be

Glory to God for causing me to see


Picture of a wooden Christian cross on St. Cuthbert’s Isle, Holy Island, Northumberland. St Cuthbert’s Isle is a small island used as a retreat by both Aidan and Cuthbert.